
Acetate Vs Plastic Glasses: What Are The Differences And Advantages

Acetate Vs Plastic Glasses: What Are The Differences And Advantages

Most people think plastic frame glasses and acetate frame glasses are the same since acetate is a type of plastic. This information is false! Both of them are two different materials that eyeglass manufacturers commonly use to make eyeglasses. Plastic frames and Acetate frame glasses are both light, strong, and Durable. However, they share some differences that will help you make a better choice next time you have to choose between both of them. Acetate frames are usually expensive compared to plastic frames, and there are still a bunch of other differences. You will get to learn all about acetate vs plastic glasses, plus the individual benefits of each type of eyeglass in this article. Keep reading!

What are Acetate glasses?

What are Acetate glasses?

Acetate is a plant-based material also known as cellulose acetate. It is made from petroleum, and it is a replacement for plastic because it is eco-friendly. This environmentally friendly material was created in 1865 by scientist Paul Schützenberge.

In the simplest description, acetate glasses are glasses from a material called acetate. Acetate is a type of plastic and it is mostly used for glass frames because it is strong, flexible, and lightweight. Asides from that, you can easily adjust acetate glasses to custom fit, and it is also easy to style and very stylish. 

Another reason acetate frames are good for glass frames is that acetate can be easily dyed and molded into different shapes. This reason is because acetate can come in unique patterns and colors. Hence, you will always find acetate glasses in various styles that can suit your personality and taste.

Advantages of Acetate glasses

Most people prefer acetate glasses because of the benefits they offer. Here are some advantages of getting acetate glasses. 

Lightweight and comfortable

If you are part of the folks who have to have your glasses all day long, acetate glasses are the right glasses you need. You can comfortably wear your acetate glasses because they are comfortable and lightweight. So you wouldn't feel like you're carrying a heavy load over your face after wearing it for a long period. 

Strong and Durable

Acetate frames last longer because acetate is strong and flexible. Therefore, they are durable and can withstand daily wear and tear compared to other glasses from different materials.


If you have sensitive skin or you're prone to various allergies, we highly recommend acetate glasses for you. Acetate is a non-irritating material. Therefore, it is safe and doesn't cause allergies, nor does it irritate the skin like some other materials.


Acetate frames are environmentally friendly compared to some other materials like plastic. They are from cotton or wood pulp, which are all natural materials. Hence, acetate materials help to keep the environment safe. 


You can easily adjust acetate frames to have a better fit on your face. So, when your glasses get bent out of shape, you can give your optician to help you adjust them to fit comfortably again. You do not have to spend on getting a new one. 

Indeed, acetate glasses like Dollger acetate glasses can offer you comfort, durability, style, and eco-friendliness. These benefits make them a brilliant choice for many people, including you. 

What are Plastic glasses?

Plastic frames are from the 1940s, and they are made specifically from plastic. There are different plastics, and some of them include carbon fiber, Polyamide, carbon, polycarbonate, and nylon. Any glasses can pass as plastic frame glasses as long as they are made from these materials listed or other types of plastics. If you partake in mostly outdoor or sports activities, plastic frame materials might be a better option compared to acetate glasses.

One of the reasons Plastic frames have become more popular is because they are generally more comfortable on the skin compared to some other types of frames like metal frames. Plastic material feels softer against the face, and this helps to reduce the chances of suffering from irritation when you wear it. Just like acetate glasses, some benefits of plastic frames make it a better choice compared to some other types of glass frames. Let's discuss that in the next section.

Advantages of Plastic glasses

If you are a big fan of plastic glasses, or you're looking to get plastic glasses, here are some benefits of plastic glasses you need to know about


Glasses made from Plastic frames are usually less expensive than frames made from other materials, including acetate. This makes them a pocket-friendly option. So, if you want a lightweight, strong, and Durable glass frame that is very affordable, you can Opt for plastic frames. 


You can get Plastic frames in a wide range of colors and patterns. They can be dyed and molded into any suitable color or design based on personal preferences and market needs. It makes them a great option for you to showcase your style, as you will always get something that suits you.

Easy to clean

Plastic frames are easy to clean and maintain. When they are dusty and dirty, all you need to do is wipe them down with a soft cloth and mild soap solution, and you have your glasses back looking brand new. Some other materials can react to water and soap solutions. 

Variety of styles

Since plastics can be easily molded to different shapes, You can get your Plastic frames in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and designs. Therefore, this makes them suitable for a variety of face shapes, skin tones, styles of fashion, and other fashion preferences.


You can comfortably wear your plastic frames for extended periods because Plastic frames are made from a lightweight material. This is perfect when you wear your glasses all day long. 

Acetate vs. plastic glasses

Plastic glasses and acetate glasses share various similarities and differences. Both types of glasses are hypoallergenic, lightweight, and have a glossy finish. This makes them both have a premium look. However, there are still some differences you need to know about 

First, Acetate glasses are of a higher quality compared to plastic glasses. Acetate glasses are also a more durable and flexible material compared to plastic glasses. Consequently, this makes acetate glasses generally more expensive than plastic glasses. On the other hand, plastic glasses are less expensive and this is because they are less flexible and less durable. Therefore, They may not last as long as acetate glasses. 

Although acetate glasses are more expensive than plastic glasses, plastic glasses usually have a matte finish, giving them a more casual and classy look compared to acetate glasses. 

Overall, acetate glasses like Dollger acetate glasses offer a more premium and long-lasting option, while plastic glasses offer a more affordable and casual option.

5 top Acetate and Plastic glasses you need in your closet

Square-shaped plastic frame

Square-shaped plastic frame

Square shaped plastic frames are one of the plastic frame inventions that rarely goes out of trend. Also, they look good on almost any skin tone and face shape, especially if you have a round face. If you are in search of a square-shaped plastic frame that will help you look simple yet classy, we highly recommend these Dollger square-shaped plastic frame glasses. They will not only make you feel good but also keep your eyes safe because they are polarized. Hence the eyeglasses can help you protect your eyes from strains. 

Acetate aviator sunglasses

Acetate aviator eyeglasses

Aviator glasses made with acetate materials are the best for folks who dislike doing regular things. If you love standing out, you can try out these Dollger Acetate aviator eyeglasses. They are also polarized and can protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays. They are made of acetate so that they can withstand daily tear and wear. Therefore, if you spend a lot of time on outdoor activities, these glasses will serve you well. 

Cat eye plastic frame

Cat eye plastic frame

Cat eye plastic frames are the best for you if you love looking fashionable and stylish. With these glasses, you don't have too much. They can effortlessly take your fashion game from a zero to a hundred. You can opt for this Dollger Cat eye plastic frame if you would love to experience this magical effect. You do not worry about how long they will last, even if you wear them daily. They are durable and strong, so you get to have eyeglasses that will never disappoint you.

Oversized acetate frame

Oversized acetate frame

Oversized acetate frames are the best for all fashion clicks out there. If you also want to experience a retro vibe in a more modern way, consider getting an oversized acetate frame. An example is this Dolger oversized acetate frame. Imagine getting to look stylish and elegant while still keeping in touch with the health of your eyes. These Dollger acetate glasses are polarized and can also protect you from UVA and UVB rays that the sun emits. 

Acetate sports glasses

Acetate Sports glasses are great for athletes or people who perform rigorous outdoor activities. You will need glasses that are strong, durable, and highly resistant to wear and tear. We recommend these Dollger Acetate sports glasses. They can resist damage even if they fall multiple times while you are busy with activity. So you can put your mind at rest while working, knowing that you have sunglasses that will last you for a longer period despite your tedious activities. They are also polarized and can protect you from the harmful rays of the sun.


Now that you have learned the benefits of both acetate and plastic frames, plus more information about acetate vs. plastic glasses, you will be able to make better choices when next you want to get your eyeglasses. Suppose you need clarification about the type to go for. In that case, we also recommend some kinds of acetate and plastic frame glasses that would not only up your fashion game but also keep your eyes as healthy as possible. Now, you can enjoy all your activities while still rocking your favorite plastic or acetate frame.

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